our mission & vision

Our mission is to promote and grow the 3-wheel riding community and to support the community around us.
Our vision is to bring together the 3-wheel motorcycle enthusiasts and the community at large – to create opportunities and lasting friendships through shared values, community work, and family through 3-wheel motorcycling. Overall, our goal is to support various charities, community organizations, and host community events while having fun on our 3-wheel motorcycles.
intentionTo make motorcycling communities, as well as the public at large, aware that 3-wheel enthusiasts are serious motorcyclists and deserve such recognition.
UnityTo unite with various organizations for the purpose of supporting charitable functions, and the improved communities such deserve.
LeadershipTo lead our group towards a positive direction in the riding and non-riding community. To create value and make a difference everywhere we engage.
EducationTo make available, information on what we ride, courses to ride them safely, and to provide assistance to novice riders through mentoring of good sportsmanship and motorcycle.
communityTo attend and host community events that will bring people together from all walks of life, strengthening the bonds between them.
RecreationTo enhance the sheer enjoyment of motorcycling while maintaining the integrity of good sportsmanship and motorcycle responsibility.
our guidelines
General Guidelines
Riding Guidelines - Formal Events
Vehicles Welcomed
How to become a member
General Guidelines
General Guidelines and Conduct
- Respect other members and allies of the community.
- We do not discriminate against ethnicity, gender, religion, sexuality, etc.
- Membership is on a voluntary basis and will be free from monthly dues.
- Official membership into TO3 will only be offered after an interested party has taken a ride with the TO3 group and the person seeking membership directly connects with a leader of the membership team (Captain, VP, or President).
- Members of TO3 should attend at least 2 of our public rides per season.
- Members of TO3 should own at least 1 item of group merchandise.
Group Rides
- If your motorcycle breaks down during a ride out, at least 1 member will stay with you until assistance has arrived (determined at time of occurrence). The remainder of the group will head to the planned destination if needed for safety reasons.
- If you are not a motorcycle endorsed rider, you are solely responsible for any consequences as a result of this status. No one is obligated to assist if action is taken against you for non-licensure.
- If you’re joining another established group, MC, or RC, please let a member of the leadership team know directly (Captain, VP, or President) to maintain a positive relationship. As dual memberships are not allowed, you will no longer be a member of TO3. You are still welcome to be a part of the community if notice of departure is given.
- If it is discovered that you are a part of another group while attempting to maintain a membership with TO3, you will be dismissed from the group without notice.
- If you do not attend at least 2 group rides during the riding season, you will be dismissed from the riding group without notice.
- If there are any extenuating circumstances which prohibits you from riding in general, please let a member of the leadership team know to ensure you are excused from this guideline.
- If there is any level of extreme disrespect to a member that is unable to be resolved, you will be dismissed from the riding group with notice.
Riding Guidelines - Formal Events
TrilogyOn3 Riding Guidelines for Formal Events
Guidelines for group riding larger than 7 in a formal ride
- Group huddle will be had prior to rides to assign roles
- In charge of leading the ride and guiding everyone in a safe manner.
- Indicate where you are going using your signal lights and hand signals
- Switch lanes only after the bike behind you has moved 1st
- Has to determine when to stop at a light vs when to go through the light
- Should know the route and share the route with the rear bike
- Passenger allowed in this role
- This role is not designated to only 1 person, this is a group effort
- Will use a staggered approach; every person designated to block will work their way to the front from the back.
- Behind the leader should be 2 blockers, 1 non-blocker, and alternate
- For example: 2 blockers behind the leader will block for the entire intersection and will fall into place ahead of the Rear bike. The next 2 blockers will already be in place for the next intersection without having the previous 2 people having to speed back up behind the leader.
- Should have a “blocking buddy” so that they can determine if 1 or both blockers in the line are needed when it’s time to block.
- All intersections should be blocked even if it appears everyone can make it through.
- 4 blockers for every 7 bikes. The blockers will be identified on the day of the ride.
- Example for 7 bikes: #1 Leader, #2 & #3 Blocker, #4 non-blocker, #5& #6 Blocker, #7 Rear Bike
- Should not be in this role if you have a passenger.
Rear/Tail rider
- Designated for the biker who doesn’t have a problem with possibly being tailed
- This person is responsible for holding the end with all bikes falling into place in front of this bike
- If there’s a breakdown, this person will become the leader to catch up to the rest of the group. Once back with the main group, will fall back into the rear/tail role.
- Should know the route and share the same route with the leader
- Passenger allowed in this role
General rider
- Please be aware of your surroundings and follow signals of other riders
- If the group is going through an intersection, please follow the group, even if the light turns red (unless you actively see cars starting to come into the intersection).
- Please don’t leave large gaps between bikes and keep up with the going speed.
Vehicles Welcomed
As this is a 3-wheel group, membership requires the possession of a 3 wheel motorcycle (example: Can-Am Ryker) or 3 wheel autocycle (example: Polaris Slingshot).
But for our public rides, we invite all 2 and 3 wheel riders to join us!
How to become a member
- Membership is on a voluntary basis and will be free from monthly dues.
- Official membership into TO3 will only be offered after an interested party has taken a ride with the TO3 group and the person seeking membership directly connects with a leader of the membership team (Captain, VP, or President).
- Members of TO3 should attend at least 2 of our public rides per season.
- Members of TO3 should own at least 1 item of group merchandise.